Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

During a 20 year period, from 1955 to 1975, Africa changed dramatically. In those 20 years African countries wanted to severe their ties with the European countries that ruled their lives. After WWII, all over Africa their were people trying to fight to have there own countries. They wanted similar people with similar traditions to be under the same countries. They wanted independence from the European imperialists. Their were many movements all over Africa. Many leaders emerged and gave hope to others. One of those leaders was Leopold Senghor. He led the way for Senegal's independence and later became the first president of Senegal. Another leader was Kwame Nkrumah. He led non violent protests for Ghana's independence. He became Ghana's first prime minister and later it's president for life. For Kenya's independence the leader was Jomo Kenyatta, with the help from the secret organization Mau Mau. Jomo Kenyatta later became Kenya's president. Moise Tshombe led the southeastern province of Katanga's independence. For Algeria's independence, one of the leaders was Ahmed Ben Bella. He was named Algeria's first prime minister then it's first president.

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