Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution took place in 1917. During this time the government was changed three times. The Russians had started a revolution because of many reasons. The Czar had led Russia into WWI. This caused Russia to have economic and political problems. There were many food shortages and Russia was spending a lot of money. Russians were scared of the power that the government had. The people were constantly hurt. The Russians wanted to have a revolution to get out of the war and to be free from their cruel ways. The Czar abdicated the throne and was later killed with his family. Their leader was a man named Vladimir Lenin. He was the leader of the Bolsheviks party. Lenin had once been exiled but thanks to the Germans was able to get back into Russia. Lenin and the Bolsheviks party overthrew the government and made Russia into the first Communist country. The quote "Peace, land and bread" means that the Russians wanted to have peace, land and bread. In Feburay 1917 there was a bread shortage in Russia. Bread became more hard to get. The people of Russia had wanted bread, so that is where the quote had came from.

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