Thursday, February 11, 2010

Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

During class we watched the movie Gandhi. It was based on the life of Mohandas Gandhi. He was better known as Mahatma in India and for playing a part in the independence of India from Great Britain. He believed in non-violent resistance to get independence. This meant that he wanted the people of India to rebel without violence. He used this by making Great Britain look bad instead of the Indians who were getting hit and not doing anything back. When he saw that Indians were using violence he went on a hunger strike until they stopped. This helped by making Indians not use violence. Gandhi spoke at many gatherings. He told Indians to stop buying Britain's clothes and make their own. He made his clothing by using a spinning wheel several hours a day. He led many marches but the most famous one was the Salt March. Britain was putting taxes on many things including salt. Gandhi led a march from Ahmedabad to Dandi. At the end of the march he made salt.

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