Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

In class we watched the movie "Schindler's List". "Schindler's List" illustrated the Holocaust by showing how Oskar Schindler had helped Jews during a horrific time. It showed how he had helped save them from going into camps, and eventually get killed. He made them work in his factories, which was better since they would live. The scene that was really powerful was how real it looked when the Nazis were killing people for no good reason. The image that would stay with me was when I saw that the girl with the red coat died and when the Nazis lined some people and shot some of them with one bullet, if they didn't die they shot them till they did. Another scene that would stay with me was when a bunch of kids were put into a truck and they were all happy and waving at their parents not knowing what would happen to them. To me "Night and Fog"was more powerful because that film had actual scenes of what happened in the camps and was a documentry so you saw actual dead bodies and how horrible the Nazis treated them.

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