Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

In class we had watched the movie "Night and Fog". It is a documentary on the Auschwitz concentration camp, 10 years after being closed down. It shows some gruesome stuff that changes how people see the Holocaust. It was a very powerful movie and had some scary scenes that made me happy I wasn't alive during that time. While watching this documentary I felt disgust on how the Nazis treated the Jews. My first reaction was horror. I had seen some images and read about what happened in the concentration but I never saw how horrible it really was. I thought this film was very powerful. "Night and Fog" it had more powerful and gruesome than the ones in "Schindler's List". I think "Night and Fog" illustrated the Holocaust better than "Schindler's List" because it showed real video and showed the Holocaust as it actually was.

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